Sunday, September 18

2018 Offers Bluetooth Car Stereo DVD CD MP3 Player 6.2" Double 2Din Radio In-Dash + Camera

2018 Offers Bluetooth Car Stereo DVD CD MP3 Player 6.2" Double 2Din Radio In-Dash + Camera Rating: 5 out of 5

Car Camera Best Choice Collections provide driving camera,dashboard camera,camera monitor,smart camera,camera recorder 2018 Offers Bluetooth Car Stereo DVD CD MP3 Player 6.2" Double 2Din Radio In-Dash + Camera. Price at this time US $94.90/piece. Check price now to get discount! Dont waste your time. Buy Now only in Car navigation radio Store Trusted Seller Store!
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Product Description

  • Unique selling points for the car radio: eincar multimedia, High quality with warranty, 8GB GPS Map, Built in Bluetooth, EQ Subwoofer, Steering Wheel control, Touchscreen, car logo, FM AM RDS radio, Car DVD, Remote control, Backup, rear view camera, and many other functions.

  • Support Multiple OSD Languages: English, Italian, Spanish, German,French, Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, Greek, Romanian, Hungarian, Dutch,Vietnamese, Thai, Japanese, Turkish, Chinese, Polish, Russian,Portuguese,Etc. You can also setup a same car logo with your car brand. In this way, the stereo will show up the car logo for a better look when starting up. The background on the user interface can also be customized

  • EQ: Customize Your Sound and Video EQ controls allow you to take full control over the sound of your mix, basically support: Jazz, Pop, Classic, Rock, Urban, User, Standard, etc.. The picture configuration feature let you take control of your video by allowing you to customize your brightness, contrast and color. And this car stereo also support subwoofer and amplifier for better audio effect.

  • AV-IN for rear camera: With the Parking Backup Camera Input, you can keep you and those around you safe by easily viewing your surroundings on your in-dash receiver. When you back or park your car, the screen will automatically be changed to HD reversing view with nightvision and waterproof. It connects easily and hassle-free and is compatible with most parking rear view cameras. This feature is a must for families and individuals when you want to be safe.

  • This Car stereo Supports SD/TF Memory Card or USB Flash Drive with Steering wheel control function: you can quickly load photos, music and movies from your computer or other devices onto your card. Just insert the card or Flash Drive into the slot and youll have access to a wealth of entertainment options, all on one tiny disk. (support USB/SD card up to 32GB !) Whats more, the head unit comes with cables and system menu for steering wheel control. So you can control the music via your steering wheel buttons. (some cars may need a Canbus Decoder to activate the steering wheel control function.)

  • A free rear view camera is included, which supports night vision, waterproof and wide angle. Nightvision cameras use a series of infrared lights for backing in the dark, of course the positioning or the intensity of the vehicles white reverse lights are sufficient for HD night views. We will also send you the long AV cable, which connects the camera at the backside to the car stereo display in dashboard. When you park or back your car, the display will automatically changed to reversing view. Its safer because you do not have to change the AV channel manually.

  • High quality with competitive price: Each product have to pass a series of strict quality tests before packaging. 1 Year Eincar brand warranty is guaranteed. And we have a professional and mature tech-team to resolve product issues.We know better about the product we made than other teams do, so most problems can be resolved by us without any returns or hassles.

Autoradio 2 Din In Dash Auto Radio GPS Navi Automotive Parts DVD Player Multimedia CD Electronics Car Stereo Headunit In Deck Car Video MP3 Music Touch Screen logo EQ Subwoofer Steering Wheel control high quality Backup Camera

We promise that our products are all authenticity. We aims to offer the best product and service to customer. If youre in any way dissatisfied with your purchase, please always contact us firstly. We are committed to ensuring that you are completely satisfied with every transaction.

6.2-inch Double DIN Gps Navigation for Universal Car

Free 8GB GPS MAP Card is included!

Features: SD/USB Support, Touch Screen, FM Transmitter, Subwoofer Output, Steering Wheel Control, 3D Interface, GPS navigation, Built-in Bluetooth, Mic, Car logo, Aux Input & Output

iPod support: No

Display Ratio: 16:9

Screen Size: 6.2 inch

Screen Resolution: 800 x 480

OSD Languages: Russian, Portuguese, Spanish, English .etc


Radio Response Bandwidth:AM: 522 KHz-1620 KHz;FM: 87.5 MHz-108 MHz

Support Map: Kudo, PAPAGO, Sygic, IGO

Voice Navigation: Yes

Remote Control:Yes

Net Weight(kg): 2.3kg

Warranty:1 year

Whats in the box: Power cable × 1, Camera × 1,GPS antenna × 1, Mounting bracket × 1,USB cable × 1, Users manual × 1, DVD host × 1Gps Map Preinstalled
tags:car logo, Remote control, Backup, universal 2 din, In Deck Headunit, vehicle parts, EQ Subwoofer, Steering Wheel control, Touchscreen, Car DVD, eincar multimedia, 8GB GPS Map, Built in bluetooth autoradio, rear view camera,

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  • Please complete the payment in 4 days if you are intended to buy .

1. Tracking number will be emailed to you once we have shipped your order .

It may be affected by weather or custom inspection if any delay , please kindly pay more patience .

If item not arrived after estimated delivery date , please message us for assistance .

2. We try our best to make you get desired products as soon as possible .

In case you received wrong items due to shipping error , please contact us for replacement or refund .

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If you need to delivery it to a new address , please modify your address first .

4. Shipping address is unable to change after item shipped out , please check your information carefully when place order .

  • We strive to provide hassle-free return service for our valued customers under and our after-sale policy .

  • Please keep the original package before you are sure the item is what your want .

  • Non-reason returns is accepted in 7 days since the date delivered if no artificial damage . But buyer should responsible for the shipping cost and restocking fee may apply .

  • Products with quality issue within 30 days can be returned for replacement or refund .

  • We strive to provide our valued customers professional service efficiently .

  • If you any unlucky situation occurs , please contact us before leave feedback and we will try our best to provide you satisfying solution .

  • Woking time

Beijing Time : Monday - Friday : 9:00-18:00

Pacific Time : Monday - Friday : 17:00-2:00 ( Next day )

  • Seller are not responsible for any import duties ,taxes and custom issues , but we will try to reduce the custom duties for our customers within the limits of the law .

  • Buyers from South American , please leave us your tax number ( RUT ,CUIT, etc ) when you place order .

  • Please consult your customs department if you have any questions or concerns about the import duties .


  • We accept payment via only !

  • enables you to send payment quickly and securely online ,even without membership .

  • Please complete the payment in 4 days if you are intended to buy .


1. Tracking number will be emailed to you once we have shipped your order .

It may be affected by weather or custom inspection if any delay , please kindly pay more patience .

If item not arrived after estimated delivery date , please message us for assistance .

2. We try our best to make you get desired products as soon as possible .

In case you received wrong items due to shipping error , please contact us for replacement or refund .

If package arrived damaged , please refuse to register the mail and contact us immediately .

3. Please provide us the correct address with phone number ,zip code and other necessary information .

We are NOT responsible for wrong or undeliverable address .

If you need to delivery it to a new address , please modify your address first .

4. Shipping address is unable to change after item shipped out , please check your information carefully when place order .


  • We strive to provide hassle-free return service for our valued customers under and our after-sale policy .

  • Please keep the original package before you are sure the item is what your want .

  • Non-reason returns is accepted in 7 days since the date delivered if no artificial damage . But buyer should responsible for the shipping cost and restocking fee may apply .

  • Products with quality issue within 30 days can be returned for replacement or refund .

Contact Us

  • We strive to provide our valued customers professional service efficiently .

  • If you any unlucky situation occurs , please contact us before leave feedback and we will try our best to provide you satisfying solution .

  • Woking time

Beijing Time : Monday - Friday : 9:00-18:00

Pacific Time : Monday - Friday : 17:00-2:00 ( Next day )

Custom Issues

  • Seller are not responsible for any import duties ,taxes and custom issues , but we will try to reduce the custom duties for our customers within the limits of the law .

  • Buyers from South American , please leave us your tax number ( RUT ,CUIT, etc ) when you place order .

  • Please consult your customs department if you have any questions or concerns about the import duties .

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Return Policy

If the product you receive is not as described or low quality, the seller promises that you may return it before order completion (when you click "Confirm Order Received" or exceed confirmation timeframe) and receive a full refund. The return shipping fee will be paid by you. Or, you can choose to keep the product and agree the refund amount directly with the seller.
N.B.: If the seller provides the "Longer Protection" service on this product, you may ask for refund up to 15 days after order completion.

Seller Service

On-time Delivery: If you do not receive your purchase within 60 days, you can ask for a full refund before order completion (when you click "Confirm Order Received" or exceed confirmation timeframe).
2018 Offers Bluetooth Car Stereo DVD CD MP3 Player 6.2" Double 2Din Radio In-Dash + Camera

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